four weeks to a deeper, more effective yoga practice

the slow rhythms

“A beautiful opportunity to devote time to yourself that makes you feel strong and in control - especially in this mad world we are currently living in”

Jane - student

yoga, philosophy, breath work & meditation

yoga, philosophy, breath work & meditation

are you exhausted? chasing your tail? Never enough hours in the day? loosing sight of what it is all for?

i’m going to teach you how to slow down without loosing momentum. I’m going to teach you how to approach life in a new way that honours nourishment, without feeling like you are falling behind.

Through yogic philosophy, you will learn the fundamental principles of nature and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage. Your practice will deepen far beyond the physical poses. You will learn how to let go of what you cannot control but master what you can.

most importantly, you will develop a relationship to your spirituality, so that you gain a deeper trust in your life's plan and pace.

Can you imagine how much ease you’d feel if you weren’t always in a hurry?

If you're desperately seeking a more nourishing and connected way of living, you're in the right place. 

This four part yoga journey was born from a need for connection and ease in a tense world.

During the 2019 lockdowns and extensive periods of isolation, we were all lonely, fearful and distracted. Now, lockdown has ended, but not much has changed.

adapted as an on-demand experience, this life altering philosophy and practice is now yours to explore. 

Let’s together challenge the cultural narrative that more is more and faster is better, because it isn’t. I’ve had over 70 people through this course, don’t take my word for it, hear it from them.

“So glad I took this journey with you. Lately I have been caught up with working from home and have struggled to slow down or even shift my attention to anything else. The past few weeks have helped me to centre and re-energise myself by shifting my energy inward and my focus on the present moment. ”

ALLY - student

the details

the details

the details the details

The program is pre-recorded meaning you can do it in your own time and repeat the practices as you like. The weekly themes build upon themselves meaning that your practices gets deeper and deeper. Everything flows seamlessly, no need to waste mental energy deciding what class to practice.

each of the four parts include:

A themed lecture

Two yoga classes (with curated playlist)

Meditation and breath work practice with instructions

Journalling prompts

BONUS content such as yin and asana tutorials.

investment: $99 aud | access for as long as platform lives

What others are saying

  • I’m loving it! It’s allowing me to think in such a deeper level, gain more perspective and allow myself specific times to slow down. Thank you so much for creating this amazing space

    Sacha - Student

  • Such a beautiful experience. Zoe's knowledge combined with her calming and present nature creates a very "live" feeling online experience.


  • Zo’s guidance has been incredible, the themes each week are powerful reminders that always seem to be exactly what you need going into your week. Through focusing on these themes in each yoga practice, I’ve found I’ve been able to really hone in on them so that they become engrained and part of my everyday life.


  • I've enjoyed the online space Zoe has created, as it has given me an opportunity to both reflect and keep moving. Zoe has a beautiful presence and approach, which resonates through all the classes and the moments of coming together. I love her slow and vinyasa flows, that embrace a unique rhythm and gracefulness. Makes me fully immersed in the practice every time. Thank you!

    Tina - student

  • I have loved listening to Zoe's interpretation of the principles behind slowing down and how these can be integrated into my yoga practice and to my life in general. For the yoga component, Zoe gently guides you through each pose in engaging sequences that relate to the theme of the week. The lectures and breathing practices really support the yoga by giving you the theory behind them and time to practice the breathing to help to calm the mind and body down. I have really enjoyed this program and thoroughly recommend it!

    Carolyn - student

  • I had found it difficult to practice during these stressful times, and your sessions were the only ones that helped me feel totally grounded and connected again. The message of slowing down really comes through, even when I’m watching a recording at 9pm after work. It’s been an invaluable space for me

    Michelle - student

COURSE investment: $99

Access: as long as the platform stays alive

  • You'll learn how to listen to the spaces between things. A fundamental skill if you want to follow your intuition.

  • You'll learn that the nature of life is to expand and contract. A fundamental mindset if you want to reduce anxiety.

  • You'll learn how to ground yourself amidst turbulence. A fundamental skill if you want to master your habits and behaviour.

  • You'll learn how to truly surrender. A fundamental skill for feeling any sort of contentment in your life.